Nude Modeling

Yea, weird topic right? No, I am not currently planning on being a nude model. I am applying to be a model for art classes though (you know, make a little money cause I’m a poor college kid?). A clothed model.

But anyways, I was talking about it with a couple other girls at lunch and one of them said she was excited to be doing nude modeling. Now I try not to be judgmental or make assumptions when I meet people cause they ALWAYS surprise you, but this girl fits the stereotype of someone who would not be comfortable with her body because of her weight. And yet there I was listening to her talk about how being here on campus has boosted her confidence so much that she is really excited to be a nude model and have people stare at her. In fact, she was so excited that I almost wanted to sign up for the nude modeling. Almost.

I guess that’s one of the good things about going to a women’s college, you don’t have as many (almost none!) negative comments or competition about body types or the undermining put-downs that just kind of happen when you’re around men. There isn’t the same kind of subtle social cues telling you that you aren’t skinny enough or blonde enough or fit enough or bubbly enough. Because here, you are enough. Everyone is welcome and it doesn’t matter what you look like or talk like or your sexual attraction. Here you actually have a chance at learning to love yourself.

But I’m still going to work out almost every day 🙂

thanks lovelies! xo, M.

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