Hello world!

So I’m one of those very weird people that doesn’t like to have free time or relax because then there is way to much thinking going on. This will help eliminate some of that time and maybe I’ll actually stick with it…. cross your fingers. (Yes, I’m an 18 year old who still believes in the magic of crossed fingers. If thats a problem for you then I don’t think we’ll get along very well.) Also, when I do have the time to think, there are so many things that I want to share with people and sometimes I might end up creating conversations (inside my head) that allow me to share these ideas without sounding like a completely psychotic person. I had one of these occurrences earlier today and thought “I know! I’ll make a blog! Thats an acceptable outlet for these crazy thoughts and maybe someone else on the interwebs is looking for this kind of insanity!”. So…yea. Here I am.

This is where I include a bio about me right? Ok. I’m an 18 year old college student at an all women’s college. (yay.) Now don’t get me wrong. I have no problems with women’s colleges and I totally understand the draw of taking classes with no boys to distract the teachers with their antics or me with their frustratingly interesting conversations and thought processes in the middle of class. But I am not one of those girls who has tons of girlfriends, and I typically enjoy the company of numerous guys more than the company of numerous girls. I’d much rather have a disagreement that ends with a couple punches (light ones) than a long, drawn-out, passive-aggressive, back-stabbing, secret-sharing fight that I might not even know is happening. Yes, I think boys are often simpler to understand, and I REALLY like having some semblance of a clue of what’s going on.

And I’ve entered the land of rambling. So, I’m going to stop myself now before this gets insane.

I hope you come back! (At this point, I hope to post once a day, but we’ll see how long that dream lasts.)